
Showing posts from August, 2018

ENTRY 2: Sexual Abuse by the Catholic Church in the United States

1.      Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story) The article gives a brief overview of the history of sexual abuse cases that involve the Catholic church since the 1980's. It states that, according to an independent group,  $3.8 billion in settlements have been paid out to victims over  clerical sexual abuse cases. Most recently in August 2018, a report by the Pennsylvania grand jury has brought this issue back to the front of the minds of the nation. In foud that " 300 "predator priests" have been credibly accused of sexually abusing more than 1,000 child victims over seven decades." This has triggered other states to also begin investigations. The Pope made a few lackluster comments regarding this issue. PA grand jury announcing their findings  2.      How does the story relate to oppression/discrimination? This news story brings to light decades, perhaps centuries of...

ENTRY 1: Mexican US-Military Family Separated

1.      Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story)   A Mexican illegal immigrant living in the United States is deported after 20 years. She is married to a US citizen and has two daughters who are also US citizens. She returned to Mexican once during her time in the US and in order to avoid jail time, she signed papers which removed her change of citizenship in the future. She claims she was unaware that the papers mandating such. Now under Trump immigration policy, she is being deported back to Mexico. Her 16-year-old daughter to remain at 'home' in the US to finish high school with her father and her 8-year-old daughter to move back to Mexico to live with her.  2.       How does the story relate to oppression/discrimination? Oppression is present in that a family, which has served the United States Military, is being separated. It is within the legal jurisdiction of the c...