ENTRY 1: Mexican US-Military Family Separated
1. Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story)
A Mexican illegal immigrant living in the United States is deported after 20 years. She is married to a US citizen and has two daughters who are also US citizens. She returned to Mexican once during her time in the US and in order to avoid jail time, she signed papers which removed her change of citizenship in the future. She claims she was unaware that the papers mandating such. Now under Trump immigration policy, she is being deported back to Mexico. Her 16-year-old daughter to remain at 'home' in the US to finish high school with her father and her 8-year-old daughter to move back to Mexico to live with her.
2. How does the story relate to oppression/discrimination?
Oppression is present in that a family, which has served the United States Military, is being separated. It is within the legal jurisdiction of the country to do such but violates the human right of maintaining family unity and cuts the heart of the family who served a country that is now severing thier oneness.
3. Who is oppressed?
The Juarez Family
4. Who is oppressing?
Trump administration's immigration policy
5. How are they oppressed? What type of oppression/discrimination is involved (individual, organization, structural, make argument for other types)?
The family is oppressed in that the Government of the United States, the structured, organized insition is using its power to lawfully go against a human right of an individual.
6. Explore the significance in our society. What are the implications for this oppression? What does this say about the values of our society?
There is a large amount of significance to the people of the United States. As of 2014, there were 11.1 Million illegal, immigrants immagratns within the United States. If the plan is to remove all 11.1 million this could send the economy into chaos by removing a significant portion of the skilled and unskilled labour workforce and create great amounts of resentment ammong the population. (source: https://www.statista.com/topics/3454/illegal-immigration-in-the-united-states/ ) I don't believe this speaks of the societies values as a whole. The man of the Family, "Temo", even voted for Trump. The article insinuates that this blindsided everyone.
7. What was your personal reaction? Explore thoroughly. What aspects(s) of your own socialization has led you to this reaction?
I am frustrated and saddened. It angers me that a family which has served the US is violated in this manner. A key component of my worldview is that families are the backbone of society and as such should be protected and nourished. This aspect of my societal view is particularly inflamed by this story. In addition to this I also find it frustrating that immigration has no recourse for a woman has lived in the US for so long, this seems wrong to my sense of justice.
8. What did you learn?
I learned that there appears to be no-one that Trumps immigration policy won't touch. I learned that love is stronger than national borders but unfortunately hatred is too.
9. How do you think the media represents this story?
I think it was covered while it was a "hot topic" but following the instance, it has gone cold. I can't find anything about the situation after this article. I think there should be more follow up. I also think there was a gap in there telling of the story, they should have brought more details out about the paper she signed that removed her chances of immagrating.
10. What was your source?
My source was "the Guardian" website. The article can be viewed through the following link. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/02/military-family-separation-immigration-trump-mexico
Note I accessed the article on the 21st of August 2018. Any changes made to the article following this date will not be accounted for in the future of this blog.
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