ENTRY 2: Sexual Abuse by the Catholic Church in the United States

1.     Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story)

The article gives a brief overview of the history of sexual abuse cases that involve the Catholic church since the 1980's. It states that, according to an independent group, $3.8 billion in settlements have been paid out to victims over clerical sexual abuse cases. Most recently in August 2018, a report by the Pennsylvania grand jury has brought this issue back to the front of the minds of the nation. In foud that "300 "predator priests" have been credibly accused of sexually abusing more than 1,000 child victims over seven decades." This has triggered other states to also begin investigations. The Pope made a few lackluster comments regarding this issue.
PA grand jury announcing their findings 

2.     How does the story relate to oppression/discrimination?

This news story brings to light decades, perhaps centuries of oppression. The victims of this abuse have often been left without a voice or assistance to find justice. The story exemplifies oppression as seen by a powerful spiritual figure using his influence to harm those who are vulnerable. In addition to this oppression can also be witnessed in how the Papacy has handled this situation. There has been a severe lack of response from the powers at-be regarding this issue and many times in the past, it has simply be swept under the rug. 

3.     Who is oppressed?

The victims of sexual abuse.

4.     Who is oppressing?

The Catholic priests and Church leaders.

5.     How are they oppressed? What type of oppression/discrimination is involved (individual, organization, structural, make argument for other types)?

The victims were oppressed initially by forcing unwanted, immoral, and unethical relationships on them. Later oppression was visible by making finding justice about this situation difficult. There is oppression on an individual sense but also very much on an organizational and structural level too. There is no way that seventy plus years of sexual abuse could remain quiet if it weren't for an organization to use its power in cruel and unjust ways. 

6.     Explore the significance in our society. What are the implications for this oppression? What does this say about the values of our society?

There are many implications. A few that come to mind are the generational loss of faith in this particular faith group. The Catholic church's handling of this situation has caused many to lose any confidence in the leadership that is supposed to represent the divine. The backlash that has been visible from society over sexual abuse cases of recent has indicated that the days of sweeping things under the rug are gone. 

7.     What was your personal reaction? Explore thoroughly. What aspects(s) of your own socialization has led you to this reaction?

My reaction is one of sorrow and disgust. I am so sorry for the victims. Children! No one deserves this treatment and the place where they were to go find safety and a knowledge of a Father in Heaven, they instead became far too familiar with a father who put them through hell. As a Christain religious person, this ignites extra disgust as this is the exact opposite of that which Jesus taught. My reaction is because of the worldview as I have constructed it and as it has been constructed for me. A significant piece to my reasonings states that the that weak should be protected. And that religion should do good and not evil. The latter has been on trial for the history of mankind but it is my dream for this to take place.

8.     What did you learn?

I learned that the movement of fighting back against sexual abuse is growing stronger and stronger. From the #MeToo movement of the last year to this new finding by the PA grand jury, society is standing up and saying enough is enough. I look forward to a future where sexual abuse carries with it the punishment it should.

9.     How do you think the media represents this story?

I think CNN communicated this story well and kept in factual. Emotions natural rise on this subject and keeping it more analytical allows the effect of the numbers to sink in and one to take in the info before becoming enraged. I appriciated their coverage of the story. 

10.  What was your source? I read this article on CNN.com and the web link can be found here: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/24/us/catholic-church-abuse-payments/index.html


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