
Showing posts from September, 2018

ENTRY 5: NYC Coined "Jewtroplois" by Map Hackers

1.        Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story) The article tells of the instance that took place in Late August 2018 where unidentified hackers, or rogue workers in the company MapBox, hacked their mapping software to change the name New York City to 'Jewtropolis'. The attack had a widespread effect since Snapchat, Citi-Bike, and Foursquare all source their mapping software from MapBox. The attack was one of 80 suggested name changes. It is the only one that made it through. MapBox issued an apology. The article finished by speaking about anti-s emitism and the 90% increase of crimes revolving around it that a particular  Anti-Defamation League noted between 2016 and 2017 2.       How does the story relate to oppression/discrimination? This instance of discrimination brings light to the ongoing anti-semetic discrimination that has never been eradicate...

ENTRY 4: Serena Williams Penalization as an Example of Intersectionality

1.       Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story) Maya Salam's article is about the resent sports episode involving Serena Williams. Williams, who was versing Naomi, was penalized for supposedly receiving coaching from the stands. She reacted in anger and smashed her racket on the ground and received another penalty. She reacted more and was penalized for what the male referee, Carlos Ramos, called verbal abuse. The abuse included the words "liar" and "thief". This reaction and therefore penalization cost her the chance to fight for a victory, she was beaten by 20-year-old Naomi Osaka. The article has a link to male tennis players have similar and far worse outrages at games and receiving various levels of punishment. The article mentions a tweet by Billie Jean King that reads “When a woman is emotional, she’s ‘hysterical’ and she’s penalized for it. When a ...

ENTRY 3: Capitalist Origins of Racial Oppression in the U.S.

1.      Summary of article – what is article about? (brief – do not tell the entire story) The article's author,  W.T. Whitney Jr, begins the article by telling his journey back in his own families history. His predecessors owned and operated the profitable Franklin & Armfield slave-trading firm. They go to bring light to discrimination and see how they can be apart of changing the future for all Americans. Whitney's key idea is the oppression was linked to the slave trade, and African-Americans have never actually recovered from this oppression because there is profit to be made off of a poorer society. He proves his point by showing race bound statistics: African-Americans comprised 40% of the U.S. prison population while only making up 13.3% of the countries population. They have lower high school graduation rates, lower life expectancy, higher infant death rates, lower median family incomes. He ends his article by saying there is no way forward...